Salary Calculator

Use the Quartz salary calculator to work out your employees ‘take home pay’, as well as the cost to you as a business.

The Total Cost is an important figure for businesses to keep in mind when budgeting for their staff. The Total Cost is what the employer’s total outgoings will be regarding the employee’s salary.

Important information to note:

These calculations are for guidance only and not to be used to pay your employee.

Please include the tax code letter. e.g. 1257L

**Please note, these calculations are for guidance only and should not be used to pay your employee**

All employees have a legal statutory holiday entitlement. Work out how much your employee’s are entitled to with our holiday calculator.

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If you have any questions about the Quartz payroll service, please do get in touch with us using the contact details below. Alternatively, complete the contact form below and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your query shortly.